I am a millennial. Generation Y; born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us the global generation. We are known for our entitlement and narcissism. Some say it's because we're the first generation where every kid gets a trophy just for showing up. Others think it's because social media allows us to post when we fart or have a sandwich for all the world to see. But it seems our one defining trait is a numbness to the world. An indifference to suffering.
I know I did anything I could to not feel; sex, drugs, booze. Just take away the pain. Take away my mother and my asshole father and the press and all the boys I loved who wouldn't love me back. Hell, I was gang raped and two days later I was back in class like nothing had ever happened. I mean, that must have hurt like hell, right? Most people never get over stuff like that and I was like, "Let's go get Jamba juice!"
I would give everything I have or will ever have just to feel pain again; to hurt. Thank God for Fiona and her herb garden. One advantage of being kind of dead is that you don't have to sweat warning labels. There was this one brown liquid that I thought made my nipples tingle for a second but I think it was psychosematic because I polished off the rest of it and didn't feel shit. I tried every eye of nute and wing of fly until I found something that made me not look like Marilyn Manson anymore.
And that's the rub of all this, isn't it? I can't feel shit. I can't feel anything. We think that pain is the worst feeling. It isn't. How could anything be worse than this eternal silence inside of me.
- Madison Montgomery
American Horror Story 這麼多的系列,只看過第三季的 Coven,因為被當中濃濃的歌德女巫風迷住了...你看上圖的她們多麼型!! 而且黑魔法嘛,看起來比第一二季來得不太恐怖 (雖然事實證明這一季也是無比的重口味)。後來乘著好口碑,第四季也看了兩集,是走怪奇馬戲團風格,但完全不是我的菜,放棄了。
Coven 這套美劇是我難得會一集緊接一集地追看的,大愛劇情的超展開,時序跳來跳去卻不會看得一頭冒水,很有新鮮感,而且劇中的元素好百變阿!而且常常會扭橋再扭橋,完全估你唔到,感覺由第一集就高潮到結局,哈哈,一點也沒有拖戲,每個角色都有好深刻的描繪和故事,看得我真是喜孜孜阿 ( ´థ౪థ)。女主角們各有不同特別的超能力,一起安排了去 Miss Robichaux's Academy 到學習當一個女巫之類的,從而當中找出 the Supreme 去帶領日漸衰落的女巫族群。(好有哈利波特 feel,哈哈)
最感觸的,就是文首 Madison 的自白,戲中的她就是個壞女孩,這段自白很能戳到我們這一代的心聲阿...